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  1. Avidman

    Avidman Sex Lover

    Jul 30, 2011
    The way to a womans pants is cooking. I will make some homeade fresh Italian bread with a hint of rye and some "made from scratch" masticholi. I warmed up some fresh garlic butter with a hint of herbs. Perhaps you are more interested in some ckicken enchiladas. They took a day to prepare. Maybe some gumbo or etoufee. For you southern girls I'm well prepared. Or maybe you have never tried my fresh caught fried fish. It will all be prepared in front of you. I will find your weakness and the panties will come down.
  2. cypheric

    cypheric Porno Junky

    Aug 11, 2011
    congrats on finding the secret man, women really loves a man who can cook, i'm trying to cook as well, but not to get into panties but for the sake of cooking for someone you care about
  3. Amas-Veritas

    Amas-Veritas Porn Star

    Mar 2, 2011
    Let me just say, as a chef, you are totally right.

    A man who cook my favorite meal, exactly the way I like it, (I am OCD so thats hard work) will without a doubt get ibto my panties.
  4. Avidman

    Avidman Sex Lover

    Jul 30, 2011
    I only cook for those that I love because I love the enjoyment on their face. The panties coming down is a bonus. Once again the words have spoiled the bread. It's all about her pleasure because I will be rewarded.
  5. pussy in boots

    pussy in boots ride em cowgirl up

    May 30, 2010
    I am a Tx gal so Tex Mex and Bar-b-que for me
  6. cypheric

    cypheric Porno Junky

    Aug 11, 2011
    ah ok, then that's the right ideology for cooking for your woman, i couldn't agree more with your words
  7. swingerguy95621

    swingerguy95621 Aspiring Hedonist

    Jun 13, 2011
    i'm not a food person. u can spend 5mins or 5 hours on dinner and i won't really care what it tastes like. Hell, i microwave chicken and fish. they turn out great and flavorful , but most of my friend make fun of me for it. i'd rather have a plate with just a steak and some mashed potatos. no fancy vegetables or sides.

    so the way to my heart not food....but rather thru my dick. lol. as long as she is good in bed and OPEN to new things, i can live with most personality flaws.
  8. Avidman

    Avidman Sex Lover

    Jul 30, 2011
    If you ever speak of microwave fish again I will fillet, skin and dip you in canola oil. Your probably boring in bed and no foreply.

    I am just kidding you but thats what I get from your words.
  9. Ari's Biggest Fan

    Ari's Biggest Fan Porno Junky

    Aug 24, 2011
    My, you're welcome to those pants at any point in time if you cook me my favorite dish! Piccata with rice and mushroom sauce on the top... yum. but you've got to cook it deliciously, it's very.. exquisite and exotic when cooked right.

    You're correct though, all (must I say most) women love a man who can cook well and please her with that smokey scent of grilled food.. mm.
  10. arizona1664

    arizona1664 Guest

    I do a great Paella all cooked from fresh ingredients!
  11. Avidman

    Avidman Sex Lover

    Jul 30, 2011
    How about a thick brisket with my own sweet tangy spicy rub. Smoked over mesguite chips for about 6 hrs served with a side of bbq sauce. Would you like a fresh crisp salad and warm bread with that?
  12. G3N3S1S

    G3N3S1S Porno Junky

    Jun 4, 2011
    Ya, I've made boxed masticholi "from scratch" as well. Works like a charm.
  13. Invercio

    Invercio Sex Machine

    Jun 6, 2009
    I'm a total disaster at cooking. I hope men like cookies and pastries because that I know how to do.
  14. Rustyb4

    Rustyb4 Newcumer

    Aug 21, 2009
    To all the young guys out there, learn to cook.
    It is healthier for you
    It is cheaper than restaurants
    It gets you laid
    what more could you ask for.

    Think about it, you invite her over for dinner (she is now at your place)
    No distractions (you can concentrate on each other)
    Drink as much as you want (already at home)
    Great meal (she is impressed)

    I can not remember how many times this worked for me, this is how I seduced my now wife.
  15. swingerguy95621

    swingerguy95621 Aspiring Hedonist

    Jun 13, 2011
    have you ever tried microwaved fish? put alittle oil in a glassware dish, season it, 6mins on each side and voila. nice and tender, fully cooked and moist. my friend and his wife always made fun of me for it , they're BIG TIME food people, they watch the food network religiously. I made them taste it, needless to say they stopped making fun.

    i may be boring when it comes to food , but not much else. i don't see the point in spending 2+hrs cooking a meal that i'll eat in less than 10mins.
  16. Avidman

    Avidman Sex Lover

    Jul 30, 2011
    That would just compliment my weakness.
  17. Avidman

    Avidman Sex Lover

    Jul 30, 2011
    Exactly my friend!
  18. tommyturtle

    tommyturtle Having an Out of Shell Experience

    Apr 5, 2008
    I can grill a mean cheeseburger!:cool:
  19. Rixer

    Rixer Horndog

    Aug 2, 2008
    For those who want to cook a great meal in just a few minutes, you could get some great lessons from Sandra Lee's Semi-Homemade Cooking on the Food Network.;)

    Check it out.

    and then go fuck all night long.. ( I had to add something sexual to keep it in topic)
  20. GayGuy40

    GayGuy40 Geordie Trollop

    Oct 5, 2010
    For those guys out there who can't cook, LEARN! It's not difficult, and it gives you greater satisfaction making a good meal for your partner, they really do appreciate far more than a set of level shelves.